Corrispondenze: Archive

gennaio – settembre 2024
III pubblicazione di Corrispondenze

“Archive” è una pubblicazione in lingua inglese divisa in cinque capitoli che verranno pubblicati, a distanza di due mesi l’uno dall’altro, nel corso del 2024. I primi quattro fascicoli presentano la trasposizione editoriale di quattro progetti artistici, e verranno realizzati attraverso un processo di collaborazione tra le curatrici e i partecipanti. Il quinto volume, a partire da una raccolta di testi che analizzano il tema da diverse prospettive, verrà completato dalla reinterpretazione creativa di tali argomenti, realizzata attraverso un laboratorio con gli studenti di un’Accademia di Belle Arti.

“Archive” propone un’esplorazione della relazione che intercorre tra le azioni di ricercare, raccogliere e archiviare, mettendo in luce la loro interconnessione con il modo in cui percepiamo e rappresentiamo gli spazi che abitiamo.

Intrecciando ricerche personali, progetti partecipativi e indagini spaziali, questa pubblicazione stimola l’esplorazione di punti di vista intimi e personali come punto di partenza per approfondire le tematiche urgenti del nostro tempo. Se pensiamo l’archiviare come pratica quotidiana atta a preservare frammenti di memoria personale e collettiva, le nostre case e le nostre azioni diventano gli schedari della nostra società. Il paesaggio, con la sua struttura morfologica, si presenta ai nostri occhi come un archivio che narra la trasformazione della natura in storia.

Puoi acquistare “Archive” vol. A, “Off Your Shoes” nelle seguenti librerie e shop online:

  • Pressato Coffee and Books, Via Gian Francesco Bellezia, 16/B, 10122 Torino TO

  • Paint it Black, Via Fratelli Calandra, 6a, 10123 Torino TO

  • SPROUTH PUBLISH, Amsterdam,

vol. A

Off Your Shoes


data di pubblicazione: gennaio 2024

pagine: 38

dimensione: 21 x 14,8 cm

rilegatura: Singer stitch

correttrice di bozze: Ofelia Tondi

design: Paola Boscaini

realizzato in collaborazione con: philomena+,


+ Report della panel discussion tenuta da: Azizou Chehou (Alarm Phone Sahara/Agadez), Wael Garnaoui (Border Study Research Group/Sousse), Leonie Jantzer (Afrique-Europe-Interact/Hamburg, Thameur Mekki (independent journalist/Tunis), Mariama Nzinga Diallo (artivist/Vienna), Petar Rosandić aka Kid Pex (SOS Balkanroute/Vienna)

«I didn’t lose my shoes. I lost.»

With these words Joanna Pianka begins her reflection on her contribution to the “Off Your Shoes” exhibition,  premiered in November 2023 in the philomena+ art space in Vienna.

Shoes serve as the thematic linchpin interconnecting the diverse perspectives of three artists exploring the Memorandum of Understanding, partnership between Tunisia and the European Union. 

The symbolic act of removing one’s shoes, the prelude for visitors embarking on this exhibition, unfolds as a nuanced gesture. At the same time a sign of respect and a ritual evoking instances where individuals shed their shoes during migrations or before embarking on a journey of hope across the sea. Losing one’s shoes, when crossing the desert or climbing a mountain, involves the risk of losing everything, including the possibility of survival itself.


What remains of the Memorandum of Understanding, as well as the many migration pacts that have been applied over time, on the bodies and in the memory of people and places?

vol. B

Archive of the Earth


data di pubblicazione: marzo 2024

pagine:   38

size:    21 x 14,8 cm

rilegatura: spillato

fotografie di: Buero Ludwina

design: DEAR DEER

realizzato in collaborazione con: HDK-Valand & Iceland University of the Arts

ARCHIVES OF THE EARTH is a site-specific research performance which consists of the simultaneous act of on-site printmaking and text writing. The project sets out to rethink the possibilities and intentions of contemporary landscape archiving. The first series of this project is focused on the volcanic systems of the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland. By locating specific coordinates, which are permeable to be transformed, an embodied practice faces questions that seem to be at the core of any performing art: what is the present moment and how can a human vessel translate it? In the fall of 2023 the DEER DEAR artist duo Isadora Alves and Christoph Matt, were invited as guest lecturers to conduct participatory research with the students of the MFA Embedded Design program, HDK-Valand, Gothenburg, Sweden, and the MA Design & New Environments program, Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavik, Iceland. During the time of the lecture series, an imminent eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula was predicted.

This publication is a collection of remote and on-site inquiries of the immediate environment of the Reykjanes peninsula and its volcanic habitat. Departing from individual experience and critical reflections, each research perspective (based on ecological, social, and economic entanglements), in combination with a critical lens, contributes to the research object through written associations and materialisations connected to the interdisciplinary research context.

vol. C



data di pubblicazione: maggio 2024

pagine:   16

size:    21 x 29,7 cm

rilegatura: spillato

correttrice di bozze: Alessandra Baldon

design: Gianlorenzo Nardi / Tommaso Silvestroni / Cristina Materassi

Descending into such a vast and understated space immediately brought to mind the city above as a grand organ that dreams and thinks, and to sustain this activity, it constantly requires cooling from underground waters. Everything is functional, converging towards the direction of the drains through pipes leading to the large tunnels. The tunnels are infrastructures that were originally open channels; I tried to imagine some barges arriving laden with materials. I pondered on modernity, which, in transforming, leaves behind something enigmatic and paradoxical, akin to the image of a navigable city where only rusted mechanisms, steadfast bulkheads, and shallow spans of water remain.

I felt as though I was at a crucial juncture and felt enthusiasm for this place, which gave the impression of being all the more central the more secretive and peripheral it was. Over the months of constant tunnel exploration, I increasingly perceived it as a focal point from which my understanding of the city had shifted, a sort of grand gateway to the outside, a true monumental arch. I envisaged the center as a vigilant reality that constantly loses something, forgetting it, with part of its vigilance seeping through the channels. Increasingly, I saw the tunnel as an intersection of this sublimatic activity.

Instinctively, thoughts of memory and synchronicity phenomena came to mind: a connection between two events that occur simultaneously, linked to each other but not in a causal manner, meaning not in a way that one materially influences the other. Theories of water memory came to mind more and more, and it seemed increasingly as though I was frequenting a peculiar station for the psychogeographic observation of the territory.

vol. D

Encyclopedia of Motional Meditation Practices - 100 Artistic Methods of Turning Life Into a Field of Mindfulness

Shaving a Kiwi


data di pubblicazione: luglio 2024

This guidebook is presented in a combination of poetry and illustration. Each poem serves as a short instruction that can be applied for exercising invisible meditation. Lingering and experimenting mainly in four everyday areas — home, workplace, urban city, and nature — the artist Ying has discovered and archived a series of mundane acts through journaling and image-making. In this publication, Ying carefully curated a selection of acts from her overarching project, “A guidebook of turning daily life into a field of mindfulness” which essentially aims to create an alternative reality where contemplation and meditation could be secretly embraced.

vol. E


data di pubblicazione: Settembre 2024

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